Refactoring in EventSearch views

Hey there 🙂 Today was quite short modification in application views.

From the beginning JHipster generates views with record ID at the beginning of the line and links ID to details of the record. I modified ID still to be displayed, but name in all entities name will link to the details. It’s basic case, but it will be needed while list of events filtered by city will be prepared.

Second thing was name of the record on detail page. It was displaying ID, but I wanted to show there name of event/prelegent/etc. During generation process it’s much cheaper to generate generic view with title of ID. But later it needs to be modified and adjusted to data from mock or project. Just remember about that.

That’s all for today. The weekend is comming, so please take a long walk or go to Ikea for grill food. Just not to stay at home the whole weekend. Please 🙂

Paweł Dobrzański

Start-up's fan, technological conferences member, social media enthusiast and low-cost trips traveler.

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Paweł Dobrzański

Paweł Dobrzański

Start-up's fan, technological conferences member, social media enthusiast and low-cost trips traveler.