Hi there, I’ve prepared some useful and valueable materials about building java web application with use of JSF 2 and Primefaces technologies. Some of them presents CRUD aplication, NetBeans generator tutorial and other stuff. Can you recommend me some other source? Feel free to leave them in comment. http://www.mastertheboss.com/jboss-web/primefaces/build-a-java-ee-crud-application-from-a-database-table-using-netbeans-and-primefaces (Introduction to NetBeans CRUD generator. Note: for
Browsing category Links
Useful link for rooting software and cleaning. Prepared for Galaxy Gio GT-S5660 phone. 1) (PL) Tutorial how to root phone, working and fast solution: http://s5660.pl/temat-root-2-3-6–5516 1.1) (EN) Base tutorial described in previous step: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1111414 2) (PL) How to link internal memory in phone with SD card. You can use Link2SD android application, which allow user to
Hi there, I’ve just filtered the most interesting materials for GWT MVP training. Feel free to use it and please share more in comments!
Let’s read thread on stackoverflow and think if it’s worth to move on utf8_unicode_ci on MySQL database.