JSF 2 Primefaces Hibernate materials
Hi there, I’ve prepared some useful and valueable materials about building java web application with use of JSF 2 and Primefaces technologies. Some of them presents CRUD aplication, NetBeans generator tutorial and other stuff.
Can you recommend me some other source? Feel free to leave them in comment.
http://www.mastertheboss.com/jboss-web/primefaces/build-a-java-ee-crud-application-from-a-database-table-using-netbeans-and-primefaces (Introduction to NetBeans CRUD generator. Note: for java web apps there is 3 types of CRUD generators – included in NetBeans, Spring Roo project and Spring Fuse generator)
http://uaihebert.com/full-web-application-with-tomcat-jsf-primefaces-jpa-hibernate/ (Thanks a lot !!! Best tutorial ever!)
https://skhanzada.wordpress.com/2010/10/09/jsf2-jpa-and-postgresql/ (Describes how JSF works, gives example of simple one-entity CRUD application with description. Valuable tutorial)
https://netbeans.org/kb/docs/web/jsf20-crud.html (NetBeans documentation gives example multi-entity webapp with step-by-step process of development JSF 2.x+JPA project)